Smoked Baby Back Ribs

Dry Rub (Prior to smoking)
1 rack of Baby Back Ribs or St. Louis Style Ribs (~3 lbs.)
Garlic powder
4 oz. Finely ground coffee
Optional: Chili powder, mushroom powder, umami powder, Aleppo pepper, Chinese 5-spice, smoked paprika, smoked brown sugar
Remove the silver skin from the underside of the rack.
Add all of the dry rub spices to the ribs, making sure to cover all the surfaces (sides and ends).
Place in the smoker (~225-250 degrees) for 3 hours.
Wet Rub (Prior to oven roasting)
3 tbsp Bacon Fat
3 oz Beer (any beer will do, but you might want to drink what doesn’t go in the recipe)
1 shot Whiskey (or other brown liquor)
3 oz Red Wine (use a wine you plan on drinking)
Preheat the oven to 275-300 degrees.
Remove the smoked ribs from the smoker.
Cut 2 sheets of pink butcher paper big enough to wrap a rack of ribs (about 3-3.5 feet).
Place the rack on a baking sheet lined with the pink paper you prepared.
Add the bacon fat to the ribs.
Pour the wet ingredients over the rack, making sure the juice doesn’t run out.
Carefully wrap the rack, folding the ends under so the weight of the rack keeps the package sealed.
Place the baking sheet, with the wrapped rack in the oven and roast for 2 hours.
Note: Of course, BBQ sauce may be used, but we add it after roasting (or just 30 minutes prior to finishing in the oven) since BBQ can easily burn.
Optional: You can put finished ribs on the grill for 10-15 minutes for browning and crisping, if desired.
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